What is RMT?  

Posted by Irie Rastafari in

RMT stands for Real Money Trading. It's when you're selling your time in a game to level someone else's character for real money. Or you are selling accounts or ingame items for real money. At First all MMORPGs are against it and if you advertise the service for another company, you can get banned. If you shout it in general chat in-game or if you send emails, whether in-game or out of game, promoting the service...you will get banned.

But that is 5 years ago, it's still illegal in some way but MMORPG companies are slowly facing the reality that it cannot be helped, so they made a RMT feature ingame to make a profit to themselves later called "ITEM MALL".

What is Item Mall or Premium Shop?

Item Mall or Premium Shop is the answer of some MMORPG companies to battle user to user RMT. It is a shop that you can purchase ingame items in exchange of real money. But unlike user to user RMT or RMT companies, Item mall's prices are a bit pricey and has limited items only, so RMT is still standing and going strong at present.

RMT at present:

MMORPG Companies start to face reality that RMT cannot be eradicated as long as there are buyers who are willing to pay and buy virtual items from RMT companies, so some MMORPG unformally legalize it finally.

RMT at present is much rampant and stronger than ever, many companies invests in RMT business and some of it offers services like power levelling and even selling characters for the convenience of the players.

Thats it for now guy, ill just update and post some more when i got the time.

message me in my PingBox or leave a comment if you want something posted or you have questions! :D


Gamerce - Your Game Commerce  

Posted by Irie Rastafari in


to enlighten some beginners asking what is RMT or what is gold selling is all about, I'll explain it to you having the "Gamerce" as example.. okay here goes:

What is Gamerce?

Gamerce is a portal site that caters many services and information like Guides, Q & A's, Videos and screenshots of almost all hottest MMORPG at present. They also have this unique feature that Gamers can put up a "online store" where he/she can sell or buy ingame items for real money with Gamerce as a medium of transaction to keep it safe, fast and secured!

To know more about Gamerce, check my "mmorpg portal sites" for link or just click here: Gamerce

any questions and suggestions please feel free to message me in PingBox or leave a comment here!


MMORPG as a Virtual Community  

Posted by Irie Rastafari in

Hi guys, this is my first blog so bear with me.. :D and please feel free to suggest and comment if you have something in your mind. this blog will be focusing in online world especially in MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). And yes, I'm an open minded gamer and I'm open for 3pp (3rd party program) topics as well.. and ofcourse as long as there is MMORPG's there's always RMT (Real Money Trading) or as most of the big online gaming companies called it.. VAS (Virtual Asset Sales).

I'll update this blog everyday if possible and post some helpful topics and in-depth guides to help out my fellow gamers out there.
